Ask the Expert - PR for a nonprofit

Martin the Marketing Guy - Ask the Expert - PR for a nonprofit

Ask the Expert:
Hi Martin,
I am wondering how a small start-up nonprofit with a good story can someone get some local press. I started a nonprofit last month called … with a mission to … the Tampa Bay area. I don’t have any $ to pay a PR firm but I also have no idea how to go about getting any attention from any local publications. Any advice?

Your Expert Advice:
First things first.
You say there is a good story. OK, what is the story? Why should I (your reader) care? Is it personal, if so tell YOUR personal story, if not, why do YOU care. Do you have any direct stories, “Jane was… with the help of… she is now…

OK, here is your homework list:

Create your nonprofit’s social media: Facebook page, a Twitter account, a Pinterest account, Instagram – BUT, don’t get caught up in the SHINY OBJECTS of social media. Your job is to raise money, which of course requires online visibility, but social media can become an all-encompassing time trap.

Google: “how to get PR for a nonprofit”
Here are a few results you need to get started:

Each one of these articles should at least give you an idea of how to get PR for a nonprofit. Then do more research.

Then once you have a compelling story, fully developed and written, reach out to the local press.
After you have everything in place, you might post a press release (a few hundred $) on, for example

Good luck,
