Online Reputation Management, Your Success Depends Upon It

Today's topic is ORM and the following response is from a LinkedIn post.
In this video clip, Kevin O'Leary talks about the importance of Online Reputation Management - #ORM.  I spent the past 2 years successfully repairing a company's Online Reputation. It is a long, hard process, but ORM is vital in today's marketplace. 
Watch the video please
 Kevin O'Leary on ORM

Want another fact to scare you into action? There are not only online sites for your customers to voice their opinions and competitors "shooting" at you, but there are sites that solicit negative online content in order to extort money from corporations and individuals. 
Protecting your online reputation may be the most important factor in your company's ongoing success. My suggestion is to put a plan into action today. I am at your service!

Visit my YouTube Channel
